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Introducing: the frame

My frameland. We often put the photos we take into frames as a way of displaying and drawing attention to our favorite photos – but there is another type of framing that you can do as you’re taking your shots that can be just as effective doing just the same thing!

First thing we do is giving the photo context (for example framing a scene with an archway can tell you something about the place you are by the architecture of the archway or including some foliage in the foreground of a shot can convey a sense of being out in nature). Second important idea is giving images a sense of depth and layers (in essence framing a shot generally puts something in the foreground which adds an extra dimension to the shot). After these two steps we can follow our spirit and lead the eye towards your main focal point (some ‘frames’ can draw your photo’s viewer into the picture just by their shape). Some also believe that a frame can not only draw the eye into a picture but that it keeps it there longer – giving a barrier between your subject and the outside of the shot. Apparently it works every time, we would like to keep memories. The most amazing part of this process is intriguing your viewer. Sometimes it’s what you can’t see in an image that draws you into it as much as (if not more than) what you can see in the picture. Clever framing that leaves those viewing your image wondering a little or imagining what is behind your frame can be quite effective (get it wrong and it can also be quite annoying!). Grab yours.

Introducing: the jar

It's a bit overwhelming knowing where to start if you've never used them before. Some go on very transparent and others very opaque. So what you choose will be affected by the look you're after. I vote for trying them all to see which work best for you. But hey, I'm here for advice, so further down present few photos of jars.  I have personally used and have had success with to keep my tools organised. See if anything there sparks your imagination!! Also, there's other section might interest you. If you already know about the various jars enough and just want to know where to start, then simply have a peek at our page about painted products. For decorative purposes, the paints we cover here fall into categories:

- Acrylic glass paints.

- Acrylic paints that become paints for use on glass when a special medium is added.

Solvent based paint

Introducing: the bottle

A glass bottle in a dream represents a servant, a housekeeper, a son or a woman.

A glass bottle in a dream also represents a woman who does not keep a secret, a slanderous companion, sickness, an adulteress or a prostitute. But n real life it does represent your feelings and style. One filled with inspirations can be a great gift idea for any ocassion. The personllised one means adorning for example being proud about love, passion or likes for such a interesting thing. Every single one is gently painted with the last touch of design intervention. A glass bottle can be recicle, used as any other product at home but also could mean exposing people’s secret life or slandering disloyal people. If any of those falls and breaks inside I am sure it will bring you a luck. But don't do it often, simply keep the look and enjoy the style. Sometime when you look clearly you can have an opportunity of  escaping from temptation that could take place inside such a house.

Introducing: the party decorations

So far can tell you one think: every party is a big challenge. Maybe that why decorations are created in the uniqe way. Let's face it - we do love how the stuff are taking right place. Apparently there is nothing more importnat than that (...) 

Introducing: the recicle cans

the frame
the jar

Introducing: greeting's cards

Introducing: personalised canvases  

“Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we’re here, shall we dance?” 

I could be more honest telling you the proper story about my project of recycle cans, but do you really would like to hear it? Yes, all of those are made from cans. Yes,I did decorate them all by myself and yes I made them all with passion and that specific vein of creation, that idyllic lifestyles and skills I could use to make something big for me and bit smaller for you. But it is always kind of art - I am not an artist - I am human being with passion, imagination, feelings, emotions and all those amazing moments created my own story.  

''We focus so much on our differences, and that is creating, I think, a lot of chaos and negativity and bullying in the world. And I think if everybody focused on what we all have in common - which is - we all want to be happy.'' 

- Ellen DeGeneres

Every single piece of this has been made with its own history. Well, yes it has. My main reason to create the kind of portrait with charisma, character and personal views of specific person. Colours only underline the fact of being real and creative... in any area of life. Try to not complain, try to not cry, try to not give up! Can you?

''The more you are positive and say, 'I want to have a good life,' the more you build that reality for yourself by creating the life that you want. ''

- Chris Pine

What can I say? Say Thank You, Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary or just invite someone for the party, wedding or just celebrate any other occasion by making little statement... This is my new idea of creating something really unique and adequate to the situation. I am glad to have so many people who are willing to celebrate any occasions just like that. 

''Creating emotion was what my career was all about. I wanted people to laugh at me; I wanted people to cry with me. I wanted people to feel good or to think about something when they watched me. I think that's why, even not being an Olympic champion, I have such a huge following around the world.'' 

- Johnny Weir

Extras: personalised canvases in silver frame
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